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This page demonstrates how the various states of a menu item can be displayed.


NO means "normal" and contains the standard configuration of a menu item. This is required!

xxxRO is rollover configuration for an item.

SPC is always active if a page has the doktype 'Spacer'. A 'Spacer' page is just a dummy placeholder used to insert a dividing element in a menu like the one above!

IFSUB is active if the items has subpages that would generate a menu.

ACT is active-item display. An item is "active" if it's found (its uid) in the rootline of the page. This overrides IFSUB.

ACTIFSUB is active if the items has subpages and is found in the rootline (ACT). This interferes a bit with ACT in this example so go to page 290 to see the ACT state.

CUR is current-item config. An item is "current" if its uid equals the current page. This overrides ACT and IFSUB.

USR is configuration of a menuitem in case it was a access-restricted page. This enables you to distinguish menuitems of access-restricted pages! This overrides IFSUB, ACT, CUR

Finally you can set the ITEM_STATE values USERDEF1 and USERDEF2 (+...RO) from a script/userfunction processing the menu item array. See HMENU/special=userdefined or the property .itemArrayProcFunc of the menu objects.



To summarize the order of priority: USERDEF2, USERDEF1, SPC, USR, CUR, ACT, IFSUB




Try and login with


Username: test

Password: test


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